Hospital Experience
Junior Medical Officer (2021/22): NSW Health Network 6
- Term 1 – Geriatric Medicine, Northern Beaches Hospital (NBH)
- Term 2 – Neurology, Sydney Adventist Hospital
- Term 3 – Orthopaedic Surgery, Hornsby Hospital
- Term 4 – Relief/Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, NBH
- Term 5 – Emergency Medicine, NBH
Resident Medical Officer (2022/23): NSW Health Network 6
- Term 1 – Emergency Medicine, Hornsby Hospital (mixed Adults and Paediatrics)
- Term 2 – Emergency Medicine, Hornsby Hospital (mixed Adults and Paediatrics)
- Term 3 – Emergency Medicine, Hornsby Hospital (+ 2 weeks relief)
- Term 4 – Emergency Medicine, NBH (mixed Adults and Paediatrics)
- Term 5 – Emergency Medicine, Hornsby Hospital (mixed Adults and Paediatrics)
- Competent in all skills completed in the emergency medicine procedural logbook (basic airway skills, simple plasters, simple suturing, removal of superficial foreign bodies, closed reduction of distal digit fractures/dislocations, vaccinations, IM injections, ultrasound guided cannulation and administration of antibiotics, and others)
- Competent in risk management, prioritisation of patients, detecting red flags of serious illness, carrying out initial focused assessments of undifferentiated patients, delivering safe patient care – assessed in both the EMC and ALS2
- Goubar T, Larach J, Hindmarch J, Bownes S, et al., (2021), “A Pragmatic approach to effective anatomy teaching and learning to medical students: a ten-year experience using evidence-based principles,” MedEdPublish, 10 (1), 147.
- Mater Hospital, Anaesthetics Epidural Audit (2021-22)
- Mallat G, Quartararo M, Larach J., (2020), “Bilateral Salphingo-Oophrectomy at the time of hysterectomy for benign condition: Patterns and factors influencing procedure rate.” Wagga WaggA Jounral of Medicine,
- Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (May, 2023). Poster Presentation: Headache with concurrent eagle’s ‘jugular’ syndrome, contrasting outcomes to vascular interventional treatment: a case series.
Awards and Academic Merit
- Nominated for: Excellence in Teaching Award “Rotating Doctor” at Northern Beaches Hospital Clinical School - MQ (2021)
- 1st Place, Population and Public Health (2020 – final year medical school: UNDA)
- Dean’s Letter of Commendation – UNDA (Medicine) (2020)
- Summer research scholarship – UNDA (Medicine) (2017/18) and (2018/19)
- Honorary Clinical Associate Lecturer (2021-Present) – Created and managed the “Internship Readiness Program” co-ordinating JMOs teaching final year Macquarie University Medical Students
- St Vincent De Paul Society “Buddies Days” (2018)
- Founder, Artistic Director and Head Manager of Sydney University’s Improv Circus (Jan-14 – Jan-17)