Women's Health

General Women's Health

Women have health issues due to a complex reproductive system that makes them unique from men.

General women's health refers to women's overall physical and emotional well-being, including the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of conditions and diseases that are specific to women or affect women differently than men. This can include reproductive health, gynaecological health, mental health, and overall physical health and wellness.

Women's Health also promotes healthy behaviours and lifestyle choices to help prevent or manage certain health conditions.

Among the many health issues impacting women, we’ll support you with the following:

  • Health Checks
  • Birth Control
  • Contraceptive Implant (Implanon)
  • Menopause Counselling

If you are a woman with any questions or need advice, make an appointment to see your doctor.

Regular Health Checks

Regular assessments are essential for women’s health. Cervical cancer and precancerous cervix changes are common problems that should be assessed and treated early.

Annual Gynecological Exam

This includes a pelvic exam and Pap test (cervical screening) to check for abnormal cervical cells and other gynaecological issues.

Breast Exam

Women should perform self-exams monthly and have a clinical breast exam every 1-3 years, starting at age 20. Mammograms are recommended for women over 50 or those at higher risk of breast cancer.

STI Testing

Women who are or have been sexually active should be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) regularly.

Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Glucose Level

It's essential to check these regularly, starting at age 20, for any signs of heart disease, diabetes or other health issues.

Osteoporosis Screening

Women over age 65 or those at risk for osteoporosis should have a bone density test to check for osteoporosis.

Colorectal Cancer Screening

Women should begin screening for colorectal cancer at age 50 and continue until age 75.

Eye Examination

An eye examination is recommended every two years for women older than 45 or with vision abnormalities. You may need to be checked for glaucoma after the age of 45.

Flu Vaccinations

A flu vaccine is recommended once a year.

Birth Control

What is Birth Control?

Birth control, or contraception, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. Several types of birth control are available, each with its benefits and risks.

There are many different methods of contraception to avoid pregnancy, including the oral contraceptive pill (OCP), the mini-pill, a condom, an intrauterine device (IUD) such as Mirena, an Implanon rod, the natural family planning method and more permanent measures such as tubal ligation and vasectomy for men. 

Some of these methods are confined to women and others to men, while some are reversible and some are permanent.

Who is Suitable for Birth Control?

Most individuals who are sexually active and wish to prevent pregnancy are suitable for birth control. However, certain types of birth control may be more appropriate for specific individuals depending on their health status and lifestyle.

For example, women who smoke or have a history of blood clots may not be suitable for hormonal birth control methods, as these methods can increase the risk of blood clots. Women with previous surgeries or certain medical conditions may not be suitable for specific barrier methods, such as diaphragms or cervical caps.

Individuals unsure about their suitability for birth control or wish to learn more about the different types available birth control should consult a healthcare provider. They will consider the individual's overall health, lifestyle, and personal preferences to recommend the best birth control option for them.

What are the Benefits of Birth Control?

There are many benefits of birth control, including the following:

  • Preventing pregnancy: The most apparent benefit of birth control is that it can help prevent unintended pregnancies. This can help individuals plan for and achieve their family size and timing.
  • Regulating menstrual cycles: Birth control can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and heavy or painful periods.
  • Treating certain medical conditions: Birth control can treat certain conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and acne.
  • Improving overall physical health: Birth control can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as ovarian and endometrial cancer, and improve bone density.
  • Improving mental health: Birth control can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and also improve overall emotional well-being.
  • Reducing the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Some types of birth control, such as condoms, can also help reduce the risk of certain STIs.

Birth control methods are for women and men and can be used by couples in a partnership. Birth control methods can also be used for other purposes besides preventing pregnancy, such as reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, managing menstrual symptoms, and reducing the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections.

Hormonal Methods

These methods use hormones to prevent pregnancy. Examples include:

  • The birth control pill is taken orally and contains hormones that prevent ovulation.
  • The small patch releases hormones through the skin and is worn on the abdomen, upper arm, or buttocks.
  • The ring is a small, flexible ring inserted into the vagina and releases hormones.


Abstinence means not having sexual intercourse. It is the only birth control method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Barrier Methods

These methods physically block the sperm from reaching the egg. Examples include:

  • Condoms are a barrier method placed on the penis or inserted into the vagina before intercourse.
  • Diaphragms are a barrier method inserted into the vagina before intercourse and cover the cervix.
  • Cervical caps are a barrier method inserted into the vagina before intercourse and cover the cervix.

Long-acting Methods

These methods are designed to be effective for extended periods and typically do not require daily attention. Examples include:

  • The hormonal IUD is a small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider and releases hormones.
  • The copper IUD is a small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider and does not release hormones.
  • The contraceptive implant is a small rod inserted under the upper arm's skin by a healthcare provider and releases hormones.

Natural Methods

These methods rely on observing the woman's fertility signs to avoid intercourse during fertile days. Examples include:

  • The rhythm method is a method that involves tracking the menstrual cycle and avoiding intercourse during fertile days.
  • The basal body temperature method is a method that involves tracking the woman's basal body temperature to determine when she is fertile.

Permanent methods

These methods are intended to be permanent and are not easily reversible. Examples include:

  • Tubal ligation (for women) is a surgical procedure that involves cutting or blocking the fallopian tubes to prevent fertilisation.
  • Vasectomy (for men) is a surgical procedure that involves cutting or blocking the vas deferens to prevent sperm from reaching the semen.

Consult with your doctor to determine which method of birth control is most appropriate for you, taking into account factors such as your overall health, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Birth Control Effectiveness

The effectiveness of birth control methods can vary depending on the chosen plan and how consistently and correctly it is used.

Hormonal methods, such as the birth control pill, patch, ring, and injection, are highly effective when used as directed. The effectiveness of these methods can be reduced if doses are missed or are not used correctly.

Barrier methods, such as condoms and diaphragms, are also highly effective when used consistently and correctly. However, their effectiveness can be reduced if they break or slip off during intercourse.

Long-acting methods, such as IUDs and implants, are highly effective and do not require daily attention.

Natural methods, such as the rhythm method, fertility awareness, and withdrawal, are less effective and may result in unintended pregnancies.

Permanent methods, such as tubal ligation and vasectomy, are highly effective but are permanent and not easily reversible.

Birth Control Risks and Side Effects

All types of birth control carry some risks and potential side effects. Discuss the risks and benefits of different methods before choosing a birth control method with your doctor.

Common risks and side effects of hormonal birth control methods include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Blood clots
  • Increased risk of certain types of cancers
  • Risk of hormonal imbalances
  • Risk of interactions with other medications

Barrier methods, such as condoms, may cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Long-acting methods like IUDs may cause pain or discomfort during insertion and removal.

Natural methods, such as the rhythm method, may not be as effective as other methods and result in unintended pregnancies.

Permanent methods, such as tubal ligation or vasectomy, are permanent and not easily reversible.

What if Birth Control is Delayed?

If birth control is delayed, it can increase the risk of unintended pregnancy. Birth control methods work best when used consistently and correctly.

If a person misses a dose of hormonal birth control (such as the pill), they should take the missed dose as soon as possible and use a backup method of birth control, such as condoms, for the next seven days.

If a person misses multiple doses or forgets to start a new pack of hormonal birth control, they should contact their healthcare provider for advice on how to proceed.

If a barrier method (such as a condom) is not used during intercourse, or if it breaks or slips off, emergency contraception (such as the morning-after pill) may be used to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy.

Contraceptive Implant

What is Implanon?

Implanon is a contraceptive implant placed under the upper arm's skin to prevent pregnancy. It is a small, flexible plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that contains the hormone etonogestrel. Etonogestrel is a type of progestin, similar to the hormone progesterone produced naturally by the ovaries.

The implant works by slowly releasing a low dose of etonogestrel into the body, which prevents the release of an egg from the ovaries, thickens the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thins the lining of the uterus, making it less receptive to a fertilised egg. 

Implanon is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy and lasts up to three years. It is reversible and can be removed anytime if the user decides they want to become pregnant or switch to another form of contraception.

Implanon Insertion & Removal Procedure

A trained doctor should only perform Implanon insertion and removal. 


The Implanon insertion procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Preparation: The doctor will clean the area where the implant will be inserted, usually the inner side of the upper arm.
  • Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia may be applied to the area to reduce discomfort during the procedure. The doctor may also use a numbing spray or ice pack to minimise pain.
  • Insertion: Using a special applicator, the doctor will insert the implant just under the skin in the subdermal tissue, about 8-10 centimetres above the elbow. The implant is typically inserted in the non-dominant arm.
  • Confirmation: The doctor will confirm that the implant is in the correct position by feeling it under the skin. They may also use an ultrasound or X-ray to confirm the placement.
  • Bandage: A small bandage or sterile dressing may be applied over the insertion site to keep it clean and help reduce the risk of infection.

After the procedure, the doctor will provide instructions on how to care for the insertion site and when to return for a follow-up appointment. It is important to avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for a few days after the insertion to allow the insertion site to heal. The Implanon is effective immediately after insertion and lasts up to three years.


The Implanon removal procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Preparation: The doctor will clean the area around the implant.
  • Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia may be applied to the area to reduce discomfort during the procedure. The provider may also use a numbing spray or ice pack to minimise pain further.
  • Incision: Using a sterile scalpel, the doctor will make a small incision in the skin to access the implant. The incision is typically made at the end of the implant, where the removal tool can be easily inserted.
  • Removal: The doctor will gently grasp the implant and remove it from under the skin using a special removal tool. Removal usually takes a few minutes, and the implant is removed intact.
  • Confirmation: Once removed, the doctor will confirm that the implant is intact and that no pieces have been left behind. They may also check the implant to see if it has any signs of damage or wear.
  • Bandage: A small bandage or sterile dressing may be applied over the removal site to keep it clean and help reduce the risk of infection.

After the procedure, the doctor will provide instructions on how to care for the removal site and when to return for a follow-up appointment. It is important to keep the removal site clean and dry and avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for a few days after the removal to allow the site to heal. It is also important to use alternative contraception if pregnancy is not desired after the Implanon is removed.

Menopause Counselling


‘Menopause’ comes from the Greek words ‘menos’, meaning month and ‘pause’, meaning to cease. Menopause means the monthly period stops.

Menopause is the natural biological process in which a woman's ovaries stop producing eggs, her hormone levels decrease, and she can no longer become pregnant. It typically occurs between 45 and 55 but can happen earlier or later. Menopause is marked by the end of menstruation, confirmed when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months.

During the transition to menopause, which can begin several years before the actual menopause, many women experience symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and sleep problems. These symptoms can vary in intensity and duration from woman to woman. Hormonal changes during menopause can also increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

After menopause, a woman's risk of developing specific diseases increases. She needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have regular check-ups with her doctor.

What is Menopause Counselling?

Menopause counselling is a therapy that helps women navigate the physical and emotional changes that occur during menopause. Menopause is a natural cessation.

Who is suitable for Menopause Counselling: Women experiencing symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes may benefit from menopause counselling.

Benefits of Menopause Counselling

  • It helps women understand and manage the physical and emotional changes of menopause.
  • Provides women with tools to manage symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes
  • It helps women cope with the emotional changes and feelings of loss that can occur during menopause.

Types of Menopause Counselling

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Support groups
  • Mindfulness-based therapy
  • Psychoeducation

What Happens in a Menopause Counselling

  • Research different types of counselling and find a therapist who specialises in menopause.
  • Attend regular counselling sessions and work with your therapist to manage your symptoms and address your emotional concerns.
  • Continue to attend counselling sessions as needed and take steps to maintain your emotional and physical well-being during the menopausal transition.

Why Consider Menopause Counselling?

Menopause can be a difficult transition for many women, and counselling can help women understand and manage the physical and emotional changes during this time. It can also help women cope with feelings of loss and emotional changes during menopause.

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